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воскресенье, 27 сентября 2015 г.

Немного о структуре файлов .desktop

Gnome uses some of the .desktop files specification functions in the context of autostart to achieve it's control panel functionality, in short:

  - A user .desktop autostart file with the same name as one global, overrides it
  - A .desktop file can have a OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE;OTHER_DE configuration entry, which defines the desktop environments this app will autostart.
  - A .desktop file can have a NotShownIn=GNOME,LXDE;OTHER_DE configuration entry, wich defines the desktop environments this app willl NOT autostart.
  - A .desktop file can have a Hidden=True configuration entry, wich "enables" or "disables" the autostart of this file.

Источник: http://forum.bittorrent.com/topic/28106-linux-desktop-gui-unofficial-packages-for-bittorrent-sync/

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